As a coach and trainer I use technology every day. I use a lot of video analysis technology to break down technique. I am able to slow down the movements and really look at all of the ins and outs of the technique. You can only see so much when the movement is full speed. Being able to slow down the movements and being able to look at certain parts over and over has helped my athletes out a lot because I can show them what they are doing correctly and what they are doing incorrectly. I can also show them how they should look and what they are doing wrong. From here we are able to form a plan of attack to correct the movement so they become more efficient.
Chris Wilson
11/11/2012 01:35:14 pm

Alex, this is awesome to hear that you use video to analyze your technique. I too recently was going over film with some of the coaching staff and players at the Sabercats. It is interesting to see how many small movements in and out of breaks for certain positions translate over to on the field speed. We were breaking down route running with wide receivers and evaluating how each body movement made them a step faster.


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